Gros J.: Pictomoji, Emoji-Sized-Pictograms

Key to Visual Language Evolution


1988-2021 A short history of

letter-sized pictograms (15  Min.)

Gros, J.: Visual Writing at the State-of-the-Art   

Pictograms & and emojis by keyboard


On the Road to Visual Writing


Learning English with Pictomoj

2005 Gros, J.: Entwicklung einer Icon-Sprache.

in: Piktogramme und Icons, Abdullah, R.,

Hübner, R. (Hrsg), Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz.


Gros, J.: A Language of Icons,

In: Pictograms Icons & Signs

A Guide to Information Graphics.

Abdullah, R., Hübner, R. (eds.).

Thames & Hudson,

New York, London.

Japanese and Chinese Edition


2011 Gros, J.:  Pictoperanto

Pictograms, Icons, Pictorial Fonts

Grammar and Vocabulary

ISBN 978-3-8423-7864-3

2006 Gros, J.: ICON-TYPING

Pictograms and Icons in OpenType

ISBN 3-8334-3261-6

German / English


Digital Picture Fonts

Get the Rosetta Stone Rolling


Gros, J.: The Digital Rise of Handwriting and Illustration

2013 iBook


Pictomoji   Pictogram-Fonts   SocialMedia   Animagram    Animoji   Manu-Script   Links

How to Trigger the Evolution of Emoji Language

with Characters for I and you, have and want etc.

How to Trigger.pdf

also available on ResearchGate


Writing becomes a game with three balls

The digital age provides an unprecedented chance to resolve the ancient controversy between word and image,  between reason and emotion in an equally elaborate use of both: alphabet and pictorial script, interacting in both halves of our brain.


Gros, J.: Appmail Emoticons

Sample Emails with Freehand Pictograms

illustrating or replacing words.

2013 iBook

Gros, J.: Piktogramme als Emojis

Pictograms from different Fonts

and Freehand Pictograms.

2017 iBook

Visual handwriting on touchscreen


Gros, J.: Pictoperanto, 2011

300 page book: ISBN 978-3-8423-7864-3

free PDF: Pictoperanto.pdf


is now combined with emojis to


Gros, J.: Pictomoji, 2023

Apple iBook and

free PDF: Pictomoji.pdf


Papers and Experimental Research


Non-discursive writing full sentences



Where?                                             When?


Combined emojis: world weather